A Family’s Journey: The Transformative Power of Prescription Cannabis on Life Threatening Epilepsy

 The Challenge of Refractory Epilepsy Harry’s journey begins with a challenging diagnosis: severe refractory epilepsy, a condition unmanageable through traditional anti-epileptic medications. Facing up to a dozen seizures daily, some of which were life-threatening, Harry’s condition presented an immense challenge not just for him, but for his entire family. Turning to Alternative Solutions: The Introduction […]

Resilience in the Face of Chronic Illness: A Personal Journey

In this deeply personal account, we delve into the life of Gareth, a 42-year-old single parent navigating the complexities of family, health, and employment against the backdrop of significant challenges. Gareth’s narrative is one of resilience, adaptation, and the search for solace in the midst of life’s tumultuous storms.  The Family Dynamics Gareth’s family life […]