From CAPEX Director to Cannabis Advocate: A Journey of Resilience and Healing

Introduction: The Life of a CAPEX Director

As the Director of Capital Projects (CAPEX) for investors based in Geneva, my professional journey took me to Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East. My work involved extensive travel to various “hot spots,” which left me returning home to England only when possible. This lifestyle eventually took a toll on my mental health, leading to moments of emotional breakdowns in high-stakes meetings.

The Breaking Point: Investigating Issues in Rwanda

In the early 2000s, during an investigation in Rwanda en route to Iraq from Nigeria, I faced a severe downward spiral. The horrors of human atrocities I witnessed led me to question my sanity and will to live. It was during this tumultuous period that I conceived an exit strategy, transitioning my motorcycle hobby into a business: The Hogfather Motorcycles.

Medical Diagnosis: A Turning Point

Amidst my demanding work schedule, I managed to visit home and consult my GP. Following extensive medical evaluations, I was diagnosed with Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) and prostate cancer. The subsequent pharmaceutical treatments left me feeling physically and mentally depleted. My prostate cancer worsened, leading to invasive biopsies and escalating health concerns.

Exploring Alternative Treatments: Discovering Cannabis Oil

During my treatment journey, I learned about Full Extract Cannabis Oil (FECO) used by US troops for PTSD. Researching further, I found compelling evidence of its efficacy in treating cancer. This motivated me to study plant and cannabis medicines academically, leading me to join a medicinal cannabis trial in Harley Street. However, the prescribed strengths were insufficient for my needs, prompting me to take matters into my own hands.

Growing Cannabis: Desperation and Necessity

Inspired by my research, I began growing cannabis, learning cultivation techniques with the help of a local cannabis club in Liverpool. Despite facing personal and professional setbacks, I persevered. Police raids and failures, leading to dozens of lay off’s closed my business down. My commitment to creating effective cannabis medicines grew stronger as I navigated these challenges.

A Near-Death Experience and Epiphany

In the face of overwhelming adversity, I attempted suicide. My unsuccessful attempt and subsequent epiphany near my mother’s grave reminded me of the resilience I had shown in past life-threatening situations. This revelation ignited a renewed purpose: to heal myself and support others in their healing journeys.

Legal Battles and Redemption

Despite multiple arrests for cannabis cultivation, I continued developing my own medicines. My dedication paid off when my cancer went into remission, and I managed my C-PTSD effectively. Although facing potential imprisonment, I was sentenced to a two-year suspended custody. This period allowed me to focus on my health and advocacy work.

Conclusion: A New Chapter of Healing and Advocacy

Today, I am physically fit and emotionally stable, thanks to the healing properties of cannabis and have a great passion for my dogs. I work with a licensed laboratory near Manchester, helping others heal and advocating for the therapeutic benefits of cannabis. My journey from a high-flying CAPEX Director to a cannabis advocate is a testament to resilience and the transformative power of alternative medicine.

Yeti Malyckyj- Edwards

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